Marek Langiewicz

Home Page (version 0.16)


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Marek Langiewicz skill matrix (PDF) (HTML)
My profiles

My Kotlin Multi-platform Playground


This is my multi-platform micro test framework

Runnable and editable code snippet is available here: μSpek playground

μSpek JS Playground (with React) is available here: μSpek JS playground

Kotlin Web Canvas Playground

My Android playground


This is my "more-than-reactive" library :-)

It's an experiment.

I try to build a Kotlin library that contains core functionality of "Reactive" libraries like RxJava, but in more functional way.
(using Kotlin features like higher order funcitons, extension functions, inline functions, and more..)

It is divided into two dual flavors: push-based and pull-based, that can cooperate with each other.
Each flavor has two symmetric sides: active, and passive.
All these flavors/sides are "composable".
All base classes/interfaces are really small.
Most functionality is implemented as extension functions.

More information about its design is available in: the source code

It is in its early stage, and I don't plan to "finish" it any time soon. (but I use it in my app already, and it works)
For now its inside "myutils" module of "MyIntent" project. I will move it to separate library later.

My Hub

A simple GitHub client - sample app with: Kotlin, Dagger 2, Retrofit 2, RxJava, Realm, Picasso, ...

My Intent

A Kotlin android library, and an app that allows the user to start any android intent easily.

A tutorial for app users is here:


My Intent Sample
My Blocks
My Blocks Sample
My Test App

My Web playground

Kotlin.JS + React + Firebase live DEMO

Hackathon project created to experiment with Kotlin support for JavaScript, kotlin-frontend-plugin, React and Firebase.

Almost no javascript code (besides generated from Kotlin)

The demo allows to play tic tac toe with others in realtime, and to create and edit some todo lists.

sources on github (it's a fork of thinkter)

NOH Insects DEMO

Just click on it, and wait for a while... :-)
(then you can click again to leave a fly on the screen)


No HTML Library.

It's a small JavaScript library for generating DOM dynamically.

The basic idea is that for every HTML tag, we have special JavaScript function, that generates appropriate DOM element.

There are more advanced alternatives nowadays, but it can still be useful in some cases.
One use case can be: when you need to refactor some old html template based web app, and you need:
- compatibility with older browsers
- generate exactly the same DOM tree as before, so you can apply the same CSS files
(and users won't notice any difference)

Introduction is here: noh_doc.html

Live tests are here: noh_tests.html


Small web app using NOH library.
It helps to create or solve crosswords, rebuses, or other word puzzles.

My Google Drive API test

It's just some old experiment with Google Drive API. Nothing terribly interesting...


under construction sign

Check out my old homepage (2007): homepage_2007/index.html

ubuntu mucha Poprawny XHTML 1.0! Poprawny CSS!

source code: github:mareklangiewicz